2013年4月24日 星期三



心得報告者:9C 陳睿彬、施任鴻、陳少甫、吳宣、Alex Tsai

9C 陳睿彬

9C 施任鴻
今天早上匆匆忙忙的吃完豐盛的Buffet早餐之後上了校車到泰國中華國際學校,在那兒上了很有趣的英文電腦課也稍微學到一些微積分,唯一的缺點就是學校中餐份量非常少,好險總經理多發了一些代幣給我們多買一些食物填飽肚子。跟他們的校隊打球因為雙方有著同的風格,當然我也認識了新朋友,我在打球的時候認識一位高一的學生,因為在球隊中扮演一樣的角色所以聊的開,賽後兩方都沒有在意比賽的分數以及輸贏,拋開一切的不愉快互相的勉勵,籃球成為我們之間溝通的橋梁。之後我們離開了中華國際學校去到Terminal 21造型獨特又充滿各式各樣國家特色的百貨公司,買了一些衣服,過得非常充實的一天。

9C 陳少甫
今天讓人感覺特別的忙碌,一大早起來就非常快速的沖了一個涼澡就趕快出門,吃完了豐盛的Buffet就趕快上校車了。在今天的課程裡面我學到了很多的泰文跟泰國舞蹈,泰國的民族歌謠也非常的有趣。在他們的體育館也跟他們的十年級學長打了一場籃球友誼賽,他們的人非常的友善也很有運動家精神,那場比賽非常刺激也讓人回味無窮,大家都打得很盡興也很過癮,然後我們遇到了他們學校的MVP,真的是強的讓人啞口無言,他們學校的MVP真是讓人嚇的不寒而慄阿!後來離開了TCIS以後,我們來到了泰國最有特色的購物中心:Terminal 21,我買了好幾件便宜又好看的衣服。 那裡真是非常的酷,每一層都有不一樣的國家與特色,真是非常的特別,希望下一次可以再來一次。

9C 吳宣
Today is the third day in Bangkok of our two week long ninth grade Hong Kong- Thailand vacation. Our vacation has nearly come to an end and instead of being homesick, I began wanting to stay longer. Being in Bangkok has been a great experience especially when it came to visiting the sole Thai-Chinese International School there. Since it was the second and last day there I cherished the time I had.

In the first block I had a miniature basketball tournament with my classmates in one of the school’s gym classes. I was expecting that we would lose, but it turned out that we were at the same level. Like us, they were a normal class so we later began having a faith in winning. After the tiresome game, we made friends with some of them exchanged information for contacting each other in the future. Having such a fun time making friends, it was finally break time and I began walking to my next class with some friends. Now the next class was nowhere like any I had in Taiwan before. The teacher taught us some vocabs that are used in their daily life and she related it to their culture. I guess that’s why they called in Thai Culture class. After a few periods it began to get boring however I happened to make it to the end awake. Then we had to go back to the gym, but this time it was for the ending ceremony. The principals and teachers made a few speeches and then they celebrated my birthday along with a few others which made my day. Quickly after we ate pizza and left the school.

After our fun time in the school we began heading for our next destination. Around dinner time we reached it. Turns out that we were going to a mall called Terminal 21. The structure of the mall seems averaged but really it was quite unique inside for it had a theme of a city from different countries on each of the floors. Even the washrooms were designed to fit their city which really amused me. We had two hours of leisure time and so I began shopping with friends. Dashing from one store to another we noticed that the clothes there were cheaper than those sold in Taiwan so I kind of bought too much.

In summary, it was an awesome day which I had not expected it to be. I wish I can come back at least once in my life and I will keep this experience permanent in the depths of my memory. I am very thankful for the opportunity we were given.

9C Alex Tsai
I had a great day during our second and last day visiting TCIS. The very first class that we took was its physical education class. During our time in the gym, we played basketball against their team. We had a very exhausting game of basketball where we eventually triumphed in the end. Even though we won, the victory did not mean much to me, but the teamwork did.

After the gym class, our class went straight to Thai culture class. The teacher taught us many new words and phrases in Thai. She even taught us a lot about Thai culture including Loi Krathong, a festival celebrated annually in Thailand. The name means “Floating Decoration”, because people make buoyant decorations which are then floated on a river. It was originally celebrated by Thai Buddhists to honor Buddha, but now many non-Buddhists also celebrate this festival. The krathong’s floating symbolizes letting go of one’s hatred and anger. People sometimes even put People sometimes cut their fingernails or hair and place the clippings on the krathong as a symbol of letting go of negative thoughts.

When our visit to TCIS was over, we went to Terminal 21, one of Thailand’s best malls. Everything there is high tech and well furnished. The bathroom even had automated toilets to go with its amazing decorations. The clothes and souvenirs there were pretty cheap, but I didn’t buy anything besides food and drinks. All in all, it was a great day and I hope that I can return next time!

2013港泰國際教育之旅(A組)Day9:泰國中華國際學校參訪、曼谷 Terminal 21
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