2013年4月15日 星期一




心得報告者:903 陳銘賢、陳紹平、王宣中、陳靖文、潘又菲

今天懷著興奮的心情展開馬新交流。之前師長們說馬來西亞很熱,我們還不太相信,因為台灣已經陰雨多天了。沒想到一下飛機就感覺熱浪襲來,機場就像個大烤箱似的超級熱,於是我們問導遊可不可以穿背心? 導遊說可以。所以接下來大部分時間我們都穿著背心,當我們穿著背心到飯店後面的超市買東西時,被超市保全攔了下來,他指著我們的衣服抖了兩下,警告我們不要穿著背心走來走去,因為馬來西亞是回教國家,他們穿著相比較保守。

導遊說當地的人非常有熱情,不過我們現在還沒有體會到。導遊說這裡的成年人有車的人比例很高,比如說導遊家有八個成人年就有八台車子,可見他們有車子的比例非常之高,且停車容易。來這旅遊的陸客人也很多,我們在電梯裡巧遇的陸客都會問說我們從哪兒來? 我們都會回答台灣。有些人會說台灣是中國的,有些人會說要回歸祖國啊,還甚至會有人說瞧不起來灣的字眼,讓我們有點不高興。



Today we were very happy to come to Malaysia. The weather was very hot and humid, which was totally different from that in Taiwan, since Taiwan had been raining for days. On the bus, the tour guide told us we were allowed to wear tanks, but after we got off the bus and entered the hotel, we were stopped by the guard of the supermarket. He pointed at our tanks and shook his clothes twice, and warned us not to wear the tank, wandering around. The reason for this was because Malaysia is an Islam country, and they are more conservative than us.

According to the tour guide, the locals are very passionate, but we have not yet experienced it. The tour guide said the proportion of car owners is very high. There are also many tourists from China. We met a lot of them in elevators. Some of them even said that Taiwan belongs to China, which made us very angry.

The tour guide taught us some Malaysian. We found it very interesting. We also found out that many of their words are short syllables. On the way, we learned a lot more Malaysian from the tour guide, which was fantastic.

We really look forward to visiting Pin Hwa High School.



心得報告者:903 陳銘賢、陳紹平、王宣中、陳靖文、潘又菲、盛鈺云





We walked into the car museum, which contained a lot of antique cars and self- made cars—Proton. With the introduction of the tour guide, we knew a lot more about these cars.

F1 Racing Car:
The F1 racing circuit has a history of 56 years. The Sepang circuit was built in November, 1998. The facilities were outstanding, with the highest auditorium which can hold 100000 people. Renovated 2 years ago, the route is longer now.

Characteristic of the track:
This Sepang circuit has the longest and widest track. It is located near the equator, so the racers have to face the challenging weather and unexpected visitors from outside the track— for example— cobras and wild cats.

2013馬新國際教育之旅 Day1:汽車博物館 ( SEPANG AUTOMOBILE MUSEUM )
更多精彩照片就在 活動花絮 裡喔!

1 則留言:

  1. 白天行程滿檔,晚上還得分組輪流上傳資料. 有認真喔.
