2013年4月21日 星期日



心得報告者:903 王宣中、葉庭毓、陳靖文、陳紹平、陳銘賢、盛鈺云







Today was the seventh day in our trip. We headed early to the traditional Malaysian village. When we went in the village, the villagers welcomed us by playing gongs and trumpets. After we entered the village, the villagers brought us to the village hall. The locales taught us how to make the containers for rice with coconut leaves and small baskets with bamboo leaves. The villagers also taught us how to color the painting drawn by wax. After that, the village chief took us to their traditional house. According to the chief, the stairs in front of the house represents the owner’s economic status. Also, the chief said the house can be easily move by people and float when a flood comes. What makes their houses special is that the whole house is made without any nails. What interests us the most are their traditional toy and their local food. Their traditional toy is called the spinning wheel. At first, we didn’t really know how to play it, but after a while some talented classmates made it, which encouraged the others. Besides, their local food caught our attention. And this was how our joyful morning ended.

After we visited the traditional Malaysian village, we went to the rubber tree park that was near the village. Even though it was raining in the afternoon and was muddy everywhere, we still could harvest rubber. The harvest of rubber stood a great part of their income. There were a lot of mosquitos in the park. Local people demonstrated how to harvest rubber from the trees, and our classmates also tried to harvest rubber. Some people even applied the rubber on their skin. Although it was not the right season for Oil Palm tree, the tour guide still made simple introduction for us. We saw Malaysia’s paddy on the bus. Even though the rice wasn’t ripe yet, it still reminded us of Taiwan’s countryside.

We also visited the traditional Malaysian house. There was a big area outside their house. We realized that the Malaysians never build a bathroom in their house, which was different from Taiwan. Our tour guide, Vicky, said, “The empty area that surrounds her grandma’s house can accommodate 3 badminton courts! It is hard to find such a big land in Taiwan.”
We learned a lot about Malaysia’s culture and the knowledge of its industry.


2013馬新國際教育之旅 Day7:馬來文化巡禮
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