2013年4月24日 星期三



心得報告者:904 孔維真謝昊容張心怡韋欣慧

經過昨天的大雨,早晨天氣令人神清氣爽,就在這樣的氣氛下到達了新加坡飛禽公園。進入園區後搭上導覽用的小火車,首先我們到右手邊便出現了鸚鵡、天堂鳥、以及世界上最大的冠鳩 ,而左手邊則是紅鶴跟有著巨大鳥喙的金剛鸚鵡等著我們。馬上我們到達了鸚鵡谷,裡面不僅有著豐富的鳥類,還可以向園區購買飼料近距離餵食。告別了鸚鵡谷,我們再次搭上小火車,途中我們的左手邊看到了鵜鶘(嘴巴最多可以撈起30磅的水)和天鵝,右手邊甚至出現了老鷹、禿鷹跟鴕鳥,接著我們經過了擁有世界最高的人工瀑布的『非洲鳥類區』,但是因為行程並沒有安排,很可惜的無緣參觀。然後去到了『夜行鳥類館』,我們在館內看到了許多夜行性的貓頭鷹和梟,種類非常豐富。最後我們觀賞了精彩的『飛禽秀』!看著訓練有素的鳥兒在場內飛馳、說話、表演,令我們驚嘆不已,為這次飛禽公園的拜訪劃下完美的句點!


我在園內看到了許多我們平時看不到的鳥類,以及精彩的表演!原本以為鳥只是供人玩賞用的 ,沒想到經過訓練之後可以帶來這麼精彩的表演,真的是令我嘆為觀止!

Because of the rain yesterday, the weather was very comfortable today. We started our tour to the bird park of Singapore with a happy mood.

We drove on the little train for a brief introduction and sightseeing in the park. We could see many different areas where we saw various species of birds on both sides of the road: great red birds from Africa, heaven birds with really beautiful feathers, huge eagles with brownish wings, bald eagles with horrifying looks, " King Kong Parrots" with flaming feathers like fire, etc.

At the parrot valley, we had a chance to get close to different species of parrots. There were green ones, red ones, and others have several colors at the same time. we could even buy food to feed them, so we could get really close to those birds, which gave us an unforgettable experience. We took a lot of pictures of the parrots, and the parrots must have eaten a lot from our feeds.

There was also an area for Night-active birds. Birds like Snow owls, Book- book owls,and Brown owls were all available to see in it.

Then there was the bird show. Colorful birds made tricks, making everyone really excited. When the host of the show asked for volunteers for help, many of our students raised their hands, and thus they were luckily chosen. Well- trained birds fascinated us, making a splendid end for this tour.


心得報告者:904 黃仲麒、吳家儀、吳冠潁、鄧名甄、黃暄雅






After lunch, we went to Sentosa. At first, we went to The Maritime experiential Museum. We learned the story about Cheng Ho. Cheng Ho is the person who opened the international trade on the ocean. He is a very important person in the past. He opened the trade on the ocean and made our life more convenient. The museum has a special theatre called Typhoon Theatre. We went to see the 4D show in which we simulated the sailing on the sea. The technology added bright lightening to the show, and the moving chairs made it even more exciting. Besides, the most special thing was that water would spray out from the celling. It was very interesting, and most importantly, it made the history not so boring to us. Later on, we went to play the Skyline Luge. We could ride the car and compete with our friends. The car was easy to manipulate, but each car only accommodated one person. It was so fast and exciting.

After the skyline Luge, we went to see the water show.

It was a show of water dancing with lights and fire. The water came out from different places, and many colorful laser bunches flashed around. The show also interacted with people. They told us an interesting story about the spirit of light. At last, the fire and the firecrackers came out from water, making the scene so beautiful, and gave the show a happy ending. The show surprised us because we have never seen this kind of show before. It was really awesome. We had a nice night in Sentosa. I hope we can come here again.

2013馬新國際教育之旅 Day10:聖淘沙、飛禽公園、海之頌音樂噴泉
更多精彩照片就在 活動花絮 裡喔!

