2013年4月25日 星期四



心得報告者:904 劉先彬、黃宇捷、林俊毓、王翔弘、鄭喬云、闕廷珍、胡庭熙






Today was the last day of our twelve day Malaysia and Singapore tour. Also, it was my favorite and funniest day of our tour. We went to Singapore Universal Studio, where there are lots of amusement facilities. 

Universal Studio is in Sentosa Island of Singapore. The owner of the Universal Studio is Genting Group. It was opened in 2011 May 28th. Universal Studio is a movie company. They made Transformers, Madagascar, Shrek, and other famous Hollywood movies. They used Transformers, Madagascar, Shrek, and other Universal movie topics to make roller coasters and other playing stuffs. Their theme zones were divided into Hollywood, New York, Sci-Fi City, Ancient Egypt, The Lost World, Far Far Away, and Madagascar. Hollywood is the main entrance of the park. Each theme zone has lots of amusement facilities. Battles tar Galactica dueling roller coasters are the most popular and famous playing in this park. You can see the whole park while riding this roller coaster. You may also see the 4D shows and parades for free.

I will never forget the feeling and excitement I got from the Universal Studio. I was amazed by every amusement facility. I hope I will have another chances to visit here next time with my parents and my friends.


下雲霄飛車後,還有一股後勁,讓你不知道是到了地上還是還在雲霄飛車上猛烈旋轉。在我們還在頭暈的同時,我們又趕到了木乃伊復仇記,這裡是一個讓你伸手不見五指的雲霄飛車,在黑漆漆的屋子裡坐著雲霄飛車會讓你感到格外的刺恐怖、緊張。 還有一個是9人一艘船帶著大家泛舟、看恐龍,它還會不時的噴水讓坐船的大家都溼身了!玩完了所有刺激的遊樂設施後,在水世界有個非常精彩的秀"未來水世界",這場秀好像在看演一場英雄就美的動作電影一樣,每個演員都奮不顧身的奮力演出,甚至是從高空往水裡跳,還有很多的爆破戲,都是相當高危險性的,但他們還是很敬業的演出,呈現出最完美的秀給大家看。


In the Universal Studios, there are some exciting amusement facilities. One of them is Transformer in 3D. It let us experience the special effects in the Transformer movies and the feeling of falling down from a very high place. Afterwards, we went to the most exciting facility—the roller coaster. To avoid from crashing the roller coaster coming right to us, our car had to turn over, throwing us to fourteen-floor high. After we get out of the car, we still felt very dizzy. Then we rushed to an amusement facility called The Mummy, which is an indoor roller coaster where we can’t see anything, and we didn’t know which direction it will turn to. In the dark room, the roller coaster made us feel terrified. Another facility is the white water rafting. The rubber boat took us to see dinosaurs. The dinosaurs would spray the water and made us get wet. After playing all the exciting amusement facilities, we went to the water world to watch the show. The show made us feel like we were watching a movie. The special effects made the show even more exciting and amazing. The actors put many efforts to the show, making the show really remarkable.

2013馬新國際教育之旅 Day11:環球影城主題樂園
更多精彩照片就在 活動花絮 裡喔!

